Thirty Wine Cellars

I did spend my junior year abroad in Bordeaux, but who knew I’d have to, with Rebecca Foreman, translate Trettio vinkällare: konsten att lagra och njuta av vin, featuring thirty Swedish wine cellars to learn this much about wine! Hopefully, Johan Magnusson will continue to share his extensive knowledge of wine and cellaring in more books.

Eric Ericson genom mina glasögon

The joy of being a translator is the range of topics one delves into. I translated the English summary and discovered the enormous talent and lifework of Eric Ericson, choir conductor extraordinaire. Cecilia Rydinger’s unique position as student, friend, and conductor in Ericson’s footsteps grants us a personal view of this well-documented life.

Raft of Leaves

Aging, death and foreignness were pet themes of Marti Parker, a social gerontologist at the Karolinska Institute who died four years ago. The stories, poems, essays, and photos encompass joyful reflections on life by Marti and other authors, edited by Rebecca Lynn Foreman, Sara Hendey, Ron Pavellas, and me.


Reconciliation and Transformation

The need for reconciliation and the significance of renewal are two of the most fundamental aspects of a person’s life. These concepts are essential to Christian faith. Many would claim they are the very core of the Christian religion and the lifeblood of their Christian faith.

A Shortened Place Name

El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula (which translates to the English as the Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels of Porciúncula) was the name of the Spanish civilian pueblo founded September 4, 1781, now known as Los Angeles. It was also called El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los …

Apostrophe Is for Possessive, Not Plural

“I’m going over to Cajsa’s (house)!” but “How many Cajsas are there here?” An apostrophe is never used to form the plural of a family name: “The Jeffersons live here” (not “Jefferson’s”). With names such as Waters or Rogers, consider rewording to avoid the awkwardness of “Waterses” or “Rogerses.” Capital letters used as words, abbreviations that contain no interior periods, …